
Let’s practice some kindness, CAF is pleased to support The Akshaya Patra Foundation as part of our Giving Moments 2020.

Let us join hands together and reach out to those most in need during this COVID-19 Pandemic.


COVID-19 Pandemic has changed the way we interact with our colleagues, we at CAF ensure that our bond with team is as impactful as it was earlier while maintaining social distancing.

We are happy to say that there are plenty of ways to do this effectively, and this is a glimpse into one of our bonding strategy.

Somesh Shyamala Harish Pagunta Shyam Gopalyam Pratyusha Sharma Udaykumar Javangula Fab Feroz


Our virtual Friday fun session is back to spice up our weekend.

Bala Sreenivasa Sirishakondisetty Fab Feroz Nagarjuna Yadav Kinna Yadav

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